FutureLearn - Online learning platform, diverse courses and global education community.

Grew content on the platform by 100X by leading a cross-functional content creation Product team. Pioneered strategies for content delivery, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and more efficient course-building processes.

Product Manager
May 2021 - January 2022
  • Improved the customer satisfaction rate by 3% by implementing new features and addressing customer needs.
  • Reduced the time it takes to build courses by 7% through the enhancement of the quality assurance process.

Identifying problem areas and opportunities using the opportunity solution tree

Introduction of the following features

Side Navigation & Header

Carried out the Impact Assessment

Speed of building courses

When asked this question: On a scale of 1-5 how quickly were you able to build your course(s) using the new left-hand navigation? 77% of respondents selected ‘somewhat quickly’ to ‘very quickly’ as illustrated in the chart below: